Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Time to Live Prepared

Jane Hansen Hoyt, President of Aglow International, wrote in the May/June newsletter to all Aglow women:

It is a Time to Live Prepared-
Over the years Aglow has ministered through disaster relief in wars, floods, fires, tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes. About a year and a half ago, we began a program of emergency preparedness in the United States in which state coordinators help people prepare their families and neighborhoods for a disaster. Interested individuals have also taken training to become certified to “go behind the yellow line” to provide help and comfort to victims and emergency responders in actual disasters. We at our Worldwide Headquarters have prepared for a possible damaging earthquake and we have “off site” capability to carry on with the ministry should Seattle be hit.

And God has also prepared us in the spirit for the times we are currently living in. He has said that the darkness would grow darker, but the light would become brighter. We are seeing it come to pass. I have been reminded and blessed once again by the story of Joseph, a man who turned adversity into an opportunity for blessing.

For some time, I have had the sense that we like Joseph, need to prepare to be used in a similar way. With the current indicators of the signs of the times, it could well be a time to lay up provision for what might lie ahead for yourself and your family. Let me suggest some possible ways:

• Plant a garden this year.
• Cut every overhead expense that will keep you caught in an old, broken economic system.
• Have some cash on hand, as well as food, water, medical supplies, and firewood.
• And above all… BELIEVE.


Your Northwest Florida Area Aglow Leadership Team wanted to bring this letter to your attention once again. A former Aglow leader from South Florida sent us the following Preparedness Test which you might find helpful. We are sharing this with you to bring hope and faith, not fear. As Jane said, “It is time to live prepared.” June 1st is the beginning of our hurricane season, so there is no better time to take this Preparedness Test!

Another valuable resource is A Believer’s Guide to Disaster Preparedness with many helpful websites. It is available through Diane Buker, A ministry of The Battle Axe Brigade, Inc. cost: $15 per manual. You can order HERE.

Preparedness Test: Published by One Heart, Inc. 2001 copyright

“A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.” Proverbs 27:12


Has your family rehearsed fire escape routes from your home? YES - NO
2. Does your family know what to do before, during, and after an earthquake or other emergency situation? YES - NO
3. Do you have heavy objects hanging over beds that can fall during an earthquake? YES - NO
4. Do you have access to an operational flashlight in every occupied bedroom? (use of candles is not recommended unless you are sure there is no leaking gas) YES - NO
5. Do you keep shoes near your bed to protect your feet against broken glass? YES - NO
6. If a water line was ruptured during an earthquake, do you know how to shut off the
main water line to your house? YES - NO
7. Can this water valve be turned off by hand without the use of a tool?
Do you have a tool if one is needed? YES - NO
8. Do you know where the main gas shut-off valve to your house is located? YES - NO
9. If you smell gas, do you know how and would you be able to shut off this valve? YES - NO
10. Gas valves usually cannot be turned off by hand. Is there a tool near your valve? YES - NO
11. Would you be able to safely restart your furnace when gas is safely available? YES - NO
12. Do you have working smoke alarms in the proper places to warn you of fire? YES - NO
13. In case of a minor fire, do you have a fire extinguisher that you know how to use? YES - NO
14. Do you have duplicate keys and copies of important insurance and other papers stored outside your home? YES - NO
15. Do you have a functional emergency radio to receive emergency information? YES - NO
16. If your family had to evacuate your home, have you identified a meeting place? YES - NO


17. Would you have sufficient food? YES - NO
18. Would you have the means to cook food without gas and electricity? YES - NO
19. Would you have sufficient water for drinking, cooking, and sanitary needs? YES - NO
20. Do you have access to a 72 hour evacuation kit? YES - NO
21. Would you be able to carry or transport these kits? YES - NO
22. Have you established an out-of-state contact? YES - NO
23. Do you have a first aid kit in your home and in each car? YES - NO
24. Do you have work gloves and some tools for minor rescue and clean up? YES - NO
25. Do you have emergency cash on hand? (During emergencies banks and ATMs are closed) YES - NO
26. Without electricity and gas do you have a way to heat at least part of your house? YES - NO
27. If you need medications, do you have a month’s supply on hand? YES - NO
28. Do you have a plan for toilet facilities if there is an extended water shortage? YES - NO
29. Do you have a supply of food, clothing, and fuel where appropriate:
For 6 months? For a year? YES - NO

Answering “yes” to these questions will help you be safer in case of an emergency.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Bells of Truth Are Ringing!

Remember how Jesus fought and won His war in the wilderness? He answered the adversary with the TRUTH by saying, “It is written.” It is the same for us today. As we are bombarded by a flood of words today sometimes it can be hard to find the truth. Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” What a wonderful weapon the truth is.

Throughout history, the Lord gave Israel instructions to keep certain feasts from generation to generation. This practice was continued in the New Testament. Jesus said in I Cor. 11:24-25, “do this in remembrance of Me,” in reference to the Lord’s Supper. He knew that it would be necessary for them to have something in place that would be passed down to future generations that would cause them to remember exactly what He had done for them. Their history was preserved as they came together and told their children of His awesome deeds on their behalf. He knew the deceiver would come and try to erase the knowledge of Him from their memories. Isn’t this what we see has happened in America? Who among us really knows the Truth about how the foundation was laid in this country by men who were inspired and led by God? The Main Character has been deleted from our history books so that today our children are not even told of our godly heritage and therefore have no idea that America has a divine destiny to fulfill - but divine inspiration was at work in every fiber of America’s beginnings and it is time to have those truths restored to us so that we can continue on course and attach ourselves to our Anchor once again.

This is what Freedom Lighthouse is all about!!! The Lord has put into our hands some wonderful tools to help proclaim the truth and to help restore what has been lost. God’s ways are higher than our ways. The war of all wars was fought and won in the wilderness by the words, “It is written”. Amazing! If you are like me – you’re wondering, “Oh God, what can I do – how can I make a difference? What is my part in this dark hour to help turn America back to God?”

Come and join us and rejoice in the wonderful opportunity He has given to us! Psalm 68:11says, “The Lord gives the word of power, the women who bear and publish the news are a great host.”

Post by Donna Baber, NW FL Area Aglow Vice Pres. of Lighthouse Development
You can contact her at

There is an upcoming Training Day to impart the Freedom Lighthouse vision on June 6th, 2009. For full details, contact Donna or leave a comment and we'll get the information to you.