Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Report by Sherry Anderson

Wow! What an amazing time we had in Tampa. I went not really expecting a "God encounter" but that is just what happened! God met us in power at the opening session.

LaVonne Chandler challenged us to approach the Bible and ask the Lord for the spiritual picture behind the words. God had given her much revelation and the time with her was very rich! There is a supernatural hunger being released. The door has been bolted by the church and water has only seeped under the door. Ask God "what is keeping the glory from flooding into my life?
Desperation is the key to open the door to Him. We must let the King of Glory in! God honors spiritual hunger!

(Center) Keynote speaker, LaVonne Chandler of Touched by His Grace Ministries

Saturday morning we had a guest speaker who spoke to us about Human Trafficking. It was a real "eye-opener" for us as we saw we had stereotyped the ones we thought would be trapped in this. We had sung the Eddie James' song, "No More Shackles, No More Chains" and we mean we are getting free of spiritual bondage, but there are many in physical chains right here in the U. S. (an estimated 2.5 million)
Visit the website of FCAHT - The Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking.

An excerpt from their web site: "Human Trafficking involves the commercial exchange and exploitation of humans including forced prostitution and pornography, involuntary labor, servitude and debt bondage. Human trafficking is a growing problem worldwide, recently rising to the second most common criminal activity behind the illegal drug trade. Florida has been identified as a hub for human trafficking activity, citing one of the highest incidences of human trafficking in the country. This crime affects all types of individuals, both foreign and domestic."

We had a powerful time of prayer for our region!
Our own lives have to be transformed to bring transformation to our area.

We need to invest in someone.

The Word through the conference is LET'S GO!

Worship in the daytime sessions was awesome!

Joy Green, SE Regional Director
Anointed "for such a time as this" to lead Aglow in this region!

She has God's heart for Haiti. She's planning another trip in January.

Haiti Fundraiser Gala - Saturday Night

Live Music

Desiree and Sherry Anderson

This little girl collected 150 pair of shoes to send to Haiti!

A piece of art was created to be raffled off at the fundraiser. Here is the Haitian artist and his wife.

Aglow sister from Kenya

Eva Caro, Hispanic leader from So. FL

(in her late 70's and still serving God through Aglow!)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

IMPACT 2010 - SE Regional Aglow Conference

"Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in!”


“IMPACT 2010”

August 20th -22nd, 2010 Tampa, FL .

Registration: $65.00

Send to: Aglow International

1524 13th Ave. S.

St. Petersburg, FL 33705

Where: Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore

2225 North Lois Ave.

Tampa, FL

(800) 445-8667 or (813) 874-5015

Special code: aglow

(This will include a Saturday night Fundraising Gala for Haiti)

Men are welcome. Register now – Rally the troops!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What a Time in God!!!!

What a Time in God!!!!!

The women with the Good News are a mighty army!!! PS 66 in the CJB says, "Come and see what God has done. His awesome dealings with humankind!!! and PS 67 says, "God be gracious to us and bless us. May he make his face shine toward us... SO THAT your way may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations." I think we got a good start on that today!!
Paul, Stephen and others told their stories chronologically in the Bible, so I'm going to chronical things the same way as I saw them before, during and after this amazing GOD TIME. Here goes...

o Received notice of AGLOW'S meeting with Joy Green.

o Friday night before the Saturday meeting... I received an e-mail from my friend, Sharon, that made me aware that the Islamic Society in our county was going to hold a protest against Israel over the flotilla incident at a major intersection in our town during the time we were to meet with Joy Green, our Regional rep., and other seasoned women of God from all over the region as well as our leaders in Bay County. Sharon had heard about the event on our local 94.5 radiio station via talk show host, Doc Washburn. He was encouraging folks to come out to protest the protest and stand in support of Israel and said he would be there with the radio station van. For months I had been praying to meet the Muslim community in our town, and now they were going to be assembled publicly. I forwarded the e-mail to Donna, a local woman on the Aglow area team were Joy was staying during her visit. It was late, but I knew I had to stay up and get God's heart on the matter. He showed me his heart through Psalm 50. "Thou sittest and speakest against thy brother, thou slanderest thine own (father's) son." As soon as I read it, he just connected the scripture with Aglow's Watchman on the Wall training manual pages concerning God's love for Arabs, "the other brother." God sees the decendants of Isaac and Ishmael (the sons of Abraham) each speaking against their brother; slandering, fighting and warring against the son of their father. It grieves his heart. Abraham loved both of his sons and so does the God of Abraham. The God of the Bible made promises to both sons and their future generations. So, between 1 and 3 a.m. I began to put together 50 or so handouts consisting of 3 things... a Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Prayer Card (Eagle's Wings Ministries) with portions encouraging prayer for Jews and Arabs alike highlighted in pink; 2 portions from Aglow's Watchman on the Wall Manuel, again speaking to God's love for both brothers; and lastly, a 3 Muskateers candy bite stapled to the flyer (because Jesus is the sweetest name I know and we need to be all for one and one for all:)

o Saturday morning. When I awoke, I knew I was going to the Aglow meeting, but I thought I might have to leave right in the middle of it to go to the protest. But, God did an even more amazing thing!!!!! There were about 25 of us at the meeting. The leaders responded to the report and then to God's heart in the matter and decided to make it part of our event outreach!!! So, after anointed praise and worship and dynamic leadership training from Joy, about half of the women stayed to pray as the rest of us went out. As we arrived, the protestors were assemble on two corners of the intersection and supporters of Israel were assembled on another. Part of our team drove in to where they parked and stood with the mostly Christian group (I say mostly Christian because one guy was yelling to the Muslims to go back to the Middle East) standing up for Israel. Doc was there with the van, too. The other part of our Love Stealth Team drove into the bank parking lot and ended up right at one corner where the Islamic Society folks were! We mixed right with them! I was carring my medium size flag of Israel with a long stemed pink artificial rose and passing out flyers as I said, "We're not against you! We are for Israel, but we are not against you." Most received the flyers. We shook many hands and I had an opportunity to say that I had been to Jordan as well as Israel and God showed me so many beautiful Children in both countries and I knew they could very well be ones who would die if brother keeps railing against brother... both decendants of the sons of Abraham. I was able to say face to face that they were valuable to God and to me. So many others got to share, too, in so many diverse ways. Our worship leader brought her omnicord and played and sang unmiked on the Israel corner... changing the atmosphere. It was just all so awesome. Some agreed to dialog with us in the near future. God was just OVER THE TOP in it all !!!! I got to give the rose to one young Arab woman:)

We met back again with our prayer cover team and all had lunch where we shared our stories of the outing. God did a deeper level of bonding in our fellowship with Aglow girls from across the Panhandle that was wonderful to see. Joy, a fine example of a leader fashioned by the Lord through Aglow and sent out to help equip others in their calling, did some more of just that in the afternoon. We ended our day extending our hands to the Gulf and declaring and decreeing over the waters including declarations concerning the oil spill.

Sunday. The local newspaper had a write-up on the front page of one of the sections which will be good for Jews to read and be touched that The Church was there in support of Israel. Some of the local Aglow women had already had it in their hearts to rebuild a rotted fence at the local Jewish temple. Today, I thought of not only how cool it would be to get to "restore the wall", but about what an act of kindness and blessing to overturn the hurts of the acts of destruction of temples, grave sites, school, business, etc. that have taken place around the world against his people. God does love both sons... Isaac and Ishmael and he is giving our Regional, Area, and Local Aglow women an opportunity to be his heart, his hands, his feet and his voice to both of his son's families of our day as we move in his compassion. GOOD JOB, GOD!!!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pensacola Hosts " A GLOWING YOU‏"

You Are Invited!
MAY 15, 2010

Where: New Testament Church Fellowship Hall on Cervantes Street, Pensacola,
(opposite Oscar’s Restaurant)

Time: MAY 15th 10:00 - 2:00

PROGRAM: “A-GLOWING YOU” a “MAKE-OVER” (without and within)

Nutritionist /Holistic Medicine - Dr. Tracey Pinkston
Hair Specialist - Joan Lavoie
Massage Therapist - Kathy Holmes Branton L.M.T.

“Beauty Comes from Within” - Linda Smith
Each speaker will explain her profession, along with instruction, demonstration and valuable information to enhance your sense of well-being and wholeness.

Tickets are $10.00 ( maximum seating is 70)

Honey-Baked Ham Company will provide lunch.
Doorprizes will include Gift Certificates from each of our speakers

Tallahassee Community Lighthouse Update


WHEN: Saturday, May 22, 2010

WHERE: The Ashford Club Apartments at 2055 Thomasville Road

(3/10 mile north of the intersection of Thomasville Road and Betton/Bradford Road), Tallahassee, FL

TIME: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Contact: Email nwflaglow@gmail.com for more info.

NOTE: Refreshments will be provided.

Program: “Share from your heart!” Our mouths speak what is in our hearts. We will be sharing the abundance of our hearts with one another. Please bring any questions you may have about sharing your heart with others.

Book Shelf: Please bring any funny, interesting, enjoyable books that others may enjoy along with you. Even difficult books are welcome. Someone else may enjoy what you find to be a chore to read! We will be making these available on a free or donation basis. If you would like to support the Aglow ministry by donating for a book, please do so. However, there is no fee for the donated books and you are welcome to take one, read it, and pass it along to a friend without charge!

Bring a friend!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Catch The Aglow Vision - Sat, June 5th - Special Event

Catch The Aglow Vision
Saturday, June 5, 2010
A Day with Joy Green
U.S. Director of Aglow Southeast Region

9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Place: Donna's home. Please send an email for directions.

What: Catch the newest Aglow vision and enjoy fellowship, ministry and free lunch provided at poolside by N.W. Florida Aglow team.

Registration: There is no charge for registration or lunch but we need to know how many to prepare for. (An offering for Joy will be taken.) Email nwflaglow@gmail.com to register.

Joy has a desire to see each of us reach our highest potential in Christ. She encourages us to "dream big" and then to pursue that dream and see what God will do. Worship and prayer brought Joy into the Kingdom and is still the key to her life in Christ today. This will be a day to encourage each Aglow woman and to interest others who might wish to become Aglow partners in a ministry that reaches women in 177 nations.

Come and bring your friends for a day of inspiration and ministry.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Panama City Writer's Aglow Meeting

We meet the third Thursday evening of the month at the Country Inn & Suites breakfast room from 6:30 -8:30 PM

It is a wonderful time of challenge, encouragement, and fellowship each month. Below is a recap with photos of our March meeting.

We each read the assignment or a chapter we had brought to the meeting. Then items were put in the middle of the table and each person was to select something to write spontaneously from. This was a great experience and creativity whirled throughout the room!

Missy picked up a wild pair of glasses, put them on, and took off writing!

Lorna chose a thimble that said Jerusalem on one side and Israel on the other and her writing took us to the Holy Land!

Sherry chose a sign that said "happily ever after" and wrote from true life experience that she once believed it, became terribly disappointed, and then how she had grown through her walk with the Lord.

Lorna Cassie-Bywater is with us three months each winter. The end of this month, she and her husband, Rick, are returning to their home in Midland, Ontario. She read us the poem she had written for our group! We were so blessed.

Her "going away" gift to us was Lavendar sachets :)

Joyce selected a picture of a church and wrote about her godly grandmother being healed from Polio.

Janet chose the small case and wrote about the "just in case" bag she takes with her when she travels.

Desiree selected a tin with a girl's picture and wrote about being a nanny and her bond with Leah.

What a blessing this group has turned out to be!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Panama City Writer's Aglow Contest Winners

We are happy to announce the winners of our contest entitled "A Holiday Memory."

First Place went to Carole Bailey for "The Secret of the Ginger Cream Cookies."
The prize was a beautiful $50 gift basket from the Christian Bread Basket in Lynn Haven.

Second Place went to Desiree Anderson for "The Christmas Song." Prize - two books from Books-A- Million.

Third Place went to Janet Nicolet for "An Unforgettable Christmas". Prize was two books from Books-A-Million.

Thanks so much to author, Cindy Jo Holbrook, for judging our contest!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Panama City/ Lynn Haven Aglow Christmas Party



David Fang, guest minister

Our hosts: Lewis & Donna Baber


We had a wonderful time together!