Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Report by Sherry Anderson

Wow! What an amazing time we had in Tampa. I went not really expecting a "God encounter" but that is just what happened! God met us in power at the opening session.

LaVonne Chandler challenged us to approach the Bible and ask the Lord for the spiritual picture behind the words. God had given her much revelation and the time with her was very rich! There is a supernatural hunger being released. The door has been bolted by the church and water has only seeped under the door. Ask God "what is keeping the glory from flooding into my life?
Desperation is the key to open the door to Him. We must let the King of Glory in! God honors spiritual hunger!

(Center) Keynote speaker, LaVonne Chandler of Touched by His Grace Ministries

Saturday morning we had a guest speaker who spoke to us about Human Trafficking. It was a real "eye-opener" for us as we saw we had stereotyped the ones we thought would be trapped in this. We had sung the Eddie James' song, "No More Shackles, No More Chains" and we mean we are getting free of spiritual bondage, but there are many in physical chains right here in the U. S. (an estimated 2.5 million)
Visit the website of FCAHT - The Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking.

An excerpt from their web site: "Human Trafficking involves the commercial exchange and exploitation of humans including forced prostitution and pornography, involuntary labor, servitude and debt bondage. Human trafficking is a growing problem worldwide, recently rising to the second most common criminal activity behind the illegal drug trade. Florida has been identified as a hub for human trafficking activity, citing one of the highest incidences of human trafficking in the country. This crime affects all types of individuals, both foreign and domestic."

We had a powerful time of prayer for our region!
Our own lives have to be transformed to bring transformation to our area.

We need to invest in someone.

The Word through the conference is LET'S GO!

Worship in the daytime sessions was awesome!

Joy Green, SE Regional Director
Anointed "for such a time as this" to lead Aglow in this region!

She has God's heart for Haiti. She's planning another trip in January.

Haiti Fundraiser Gala - Saturday Night

Live Music

Desiree and Sherry Anderson

This little girl collected 150 pair of shoes to send to Haiti!

A piece of art was created to be raffled off at the fundraiser. Here is the Haitian artist and his wife.

Aglow sister from Kenya

Eva Caro, Hispanic leader from So. FL

(in her late 70's and still serving God through Aglow!)