Thursday, June 25, 2009

Is there a “Nevertheless” Stirring in You?

Our Aglow International President, Jane Hansen Hoyt sent a timely word to all Aglow women this month. Your NW Florida Area team wants you to hear her heart:

I love the victory of David in II Samuel 5.

And the king [David] and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, who spoke to David, saying, ‘You shall not come in here;’.... Nevertheless David took the stronghold of Zion (that is, the City of David. ) II Sam. 5:6-7 NKJV

Even though the enemy said to him, you can’t come in here because this is my territory; nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion. And, not only did he take it, he dwelt there, and renamed it, The City of David! Doesn’t that bring a smile to your face? That is what God is stirring in His people.

In tumultuous times there is a “nevertheless” in us, a choice to advance on the enemy and to not remain quiet. It is time to run to the battle line.
It is time our voice is heard.
It is time to take the territory from those who cry out in a threatening way saying, you can’t come in here.
It is time to rename it and make it a stronghold for God.
Even the world knows that the forward thrust of a movement is contingent upon people staying connected to one another, connected to a leader and connected to what they believe in.
If ever there was a time when we needed to be together, connected, moving forward and believing, it is now. The voice of believers needs to be heard in the earth in a united way.

For the past few years, Aglow’s voice has been advancing in strength and authority in the spirit realm. That is why “Lift Your Voice! Let it be Heard in all the Earth!” is our 2009 Worldwide Conference theme. It is a time to be joined together in heart, faith, and unity. I am urging you to be there with me!

Early Bird Deadline is June 30! It is time! Click Here to Register

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wake Up, America!

June 6th was a Special Day...

The Goal: To spend the day gaining a fresh vision regarding America’s history, America’s future and the role that we have in this critical hour.

The Format: A day in Donna Baber’s home in Lynn Haven with 16 women who came with hearts yearning to see God’s intended destiny for our nation fulfilled.

The Result: Hearts and minds forever changed and a renewed passion to watch and pray for God’s best for America.

In these crazy times we live in we can choose to be encouraged or discouraged. The root word is courage. Churchill said, “Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality that guarantees all others." An accompaniment to that are Ronald Reagan’s words “Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid.”

In the book of Isaiah Chapter 8 we read, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the shadow of death a light has dawned... For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Aglow women have a vision to multiply the message of love for this land and hope for the future. Donna Baber, Lynn Haven Lighthouse leader, has assembled packets that make it easy to duplicate the outreach that has created a stir in her neighborhood and in the community. You can contact her at for details.

We are truly looking to Jesus and calling on His name. He hears and answers! Our prayers can change the world we live in!

If you live in the NW Florida area, contact us at for details on Aglow meetings and events. As you can see from the photos, we always have a special time together.

An All-American lunch with Barbecue and Apple Pie.
Introducing our new Blog!

Submitted by Beverly Lewis, NW FL Area Aglow, Vice President of Public Relations

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Possessing the Kingdom Together!

This letter is from Joy Green, Southeast Director, Aglow International

What an amazing time to be alive! If we refer to our manual (the Bible) we find that the Lord loved to show up when the people of God became desperate for His presence. As we observe the world around us crumbling, let us look to the Author and Finisher of our faith. There is only one solution to our problems personally, corporately and as a nation – the Lord Jesus Christ. YOU are the solution (the salt) in the earth! It is a time for boldness in our prayers, in our homes and in our gatherings. We want to provoke the world to jealousy. As your neighbor looks for answers, give him Jesus. Let’s look from a heavenly perspective. All the earth is groaning to see the sons of God arise! So arise daughters of Zion and thresh your enemy. SEE him under your feet and dance on his head. Victory is assured – press in for the prize. Cast down all discouragement, weariness and unbelief. Let the confessions of your mouth change the atmosphere around you – let us believe the word of God again.

I am thrilled to announce a new Florida State Prayer Coordinator. Her name is Denise Ford and she resides in St. Petersburg, Florida. Some of you may remember her on the forum at our regional gathering in Orlando. She has a heart for the younger women and shared some tips on effective evangelism to reach them.

Many of you are aware that our international president, Jane Hansen-Hoyt has been asked to open the conference for Promise Keepers July 31, 2009 in Boulder, Colorado. It will be a gathering of men and women with the theme, “Time to Honor”. Women, the fathers of our faith and the poor will be honored. Please ask the Lord if you are to be in attendance and cover this event in prayer. What a day to be alive in the kingdom! Go to to register and see how to pray.

The theme of our upcoming Aglow conference October 22-25, 2009 is “Lift Your Voice!” Let the voice of the Lord shake the earth. Gather your women, rent buses and vans, have garage sales – get to conference! It will be an amazing time together. As I participated in an outdoor event for the National Day of Prayer in downtown Tampa, I was humbled to lift up the name of Jesus in the public square. There was a sense of unity, humility and authority. I expect to see amazing results from that day. I am convinced that this is the church’s greatest hour.

I leave you with my summary of Ephesians 2 – We are dead together! Alive together! Raised up together! Sit in heavenly places together! Possessing the kingdom together!

The time is now – will you answer the call?

With love and passion,
Joy Green
Southeast Director
Aglow International